How did it all start?
In 2010, the government formulated and launched the Sikkim
Organic Mission with clear goals which helped them achieve the all-organic
status in January 2016. The initiative covered 190,000 acres of farmland and
benefitted 66,000 farmer families to switch to organic farming.
Sikkim has recently become very famous around the world for
becoming the first state of India and in the world to be fully organic. It won
the UN Food and Agro-ecological Organization’s Future Policy Award 2018. It
competed with 51 nominated policies from 25 different countries for the best
policy promoting agro-ecological and sustainable food systems.
खेती (Organic Farming)
है क्या?
जैविक खेती सदाबहार प्राचीन
पद्धति है जिससे पर्यावरण
शुद्ध बना रहता है
और भूमि का प्राकृतिक
स्वरूप भी बना रहता
है। इसके प्रयोग से
मिट्टी उपजाऊ रहती है और
सूखे जैसी समस्या का
सामना नहीं करना पड़ता
जैविक खेती में रासायनिक
उर्वरकों की जगह जीवाश्म
खादों का प्रयोग किया
जाता है। साथ ही,
खरपतवार कीटनाशकों की जगह जैविक
खाद का प्रयोग किया
जाता है।
जैविक खेती में गोबर
खाद, कम्पोस्ट खाद, हरी खाद,
बायो-पेस्टिसाइड, केंचुआ खाद, नीम खली,
लेमन ग्रास और फल के
अवशेष का प्रयोग किया
जाता है। इसमें जीवाणु
कल्चर फॉलो होता है।
Organic Farming: Sikkim Case Study
1 Sikkim is first organic state in the world and all
farmlands in the state are certified organic.
2 State’s policy approach reaches beyond
organic production and has proven transformational for its citizens.
3 It primarily focuses socioeconomic aspects
such as consumption and market expansion, cultural aspects as well as health,
education, rural development and sustainable tourism.
4 The organic farming policy implemented by
state has phased out chemical fertilizers and pesticides and achieved total ban
on sale and use of chemical pesticides in the state.
5 The transition has benefitted more than
66000 farming families in state.
6 Transition to 100% organic state also has
greatly benefited its tourism sector and numbers of tourists have increased by
over 50% between 2014 and 2017.
7 With this Sikkim has set excellent example
for other Indian states and countries worldwide for successfully upscale
8 Sikkim was awarded UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation’s (FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize) for its achievement
in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state.
Sikkim's organic mission started in 2003, when its Chief
Minister Pawan Chamling declared his intent to make Sikkim India's first
organic state. Chamling has been reelected five times, so he was able to
oversee the entire process. First, the state officially banned the
sale of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, forcing its farmers to go
organic. And it ran several events like a two-day workshop in March
2010 where organic experts and scientists advised farmers on making the
transition. But Sikkim's organic switch is not just good for public health;
it's also good for the economy as organic produce has higher profit margins for
Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Sikkim Organic Festival
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Sikkim Organic Festival
2016, at January 18. He addressed the Plenary Session of the National
Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, at Gangtok in
Sikkim. The Prime Minister digitally launched the logo of Sikkim
Organic and handed over it to the Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Pawan
In his address, the Prime Minister paid homage to former
Governor of Sikkim, Shri Rama Rao. He praised Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan
Chamling for his vision of welfare for farmers and tribes. He credited this
vision for the development that the State is witnessing and said the welfare
and development issues raised by the Chief Minister would be investigated by
the Union Government.
Advantages of organic farming
1 Farmers can reduce their production costs because
they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers.
2 Healthier farm workers.In the long term, organic
farms save energy and protect the environment.
3 It can slow down global warming.Fewer residues in food.
The Effects
Conventional agriculture causes increased greenhouse
gas emissions, soil erosion, water pollution, and threatens human health. Organic
farming has a smaller carbon footprint, conserves and builds soil health,
replenishes natural ecosystems for cleaner water and air, all without toxic
pesticide residues.
Schemes to promote organic farming in India - Features
National Programme for Organic Production, It involves the
following: ...
The following states have been promoting organic farming
through this scheme: ...
1 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana. ...
2 National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture. ...
3 The Mission specifically involves SHM or Soil Health
Management through: ...
खेती के हैं बहुत
आज के समय
में जैविक खेती तेज़ी से
लोकप्रिय हो रही है।
भारत समेत पूरा विश्व
इसे अपना रहा है।
चूँकि इसके फायदे ही
इतने सारे हैं कि
यह पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा के
साथ-साथ हम इंसानों
को बेहतर अनाज देता है।
आर्गेनिक फार्मिंग से खेती के
मित्र कीटों का संरक्षण होता
है। इससे भू-जल
स्तर में इज़ाफा होता
है। साथ ही सबसे
बड़ी बात इससे कृषि
लागत घटने के साथ
उत्पादन की गुणवत्ता भी
बढ़ती है।
इससे बैलेंस फार्मिंग
समेत इकोलॉजी अच्छे से काम करती
है। फसलों का चक्र पालन
होता है जिससे उन्हें
उचित पोषण मिलता है।
एक आंकड़े के
अनुसार, किसान अपनी खेती की
फसल का सिर्फ 25 से
40 प्रतिशत हिस्सा ही इस्तेमाल कर
पाता है। वहीं, 600 बिलियन
टन कृषि अवशेषों को
अपने खेत को फिर
से नई फसल उगाने
के लिए तैयार करने
के लिए जला देते
साल 2025 तक देश में
जैविक खेती का करीब
75 हज़ार करोड़ रुपए का
कारोबार होने का अनुमान
है। ऐसे में, इसमें
आधुनिक तकनीकों के प्रयोग के
साथ-साथ लोगों को
जैविक खेती को लेकर
प्रशिक्षण देने की जरूरत
चूँकि जब यह एक
बड़े पैमाने पर होना शुरू
हो जाएगा तब बाज़ार में
इससे जुड़ी बिक्री और
खरीद भी बढ़ जाने
की संभावना है।
Sikkim is first organic state in the world and all farmlands
in the state are certified organic.
State’s policy approach reaches beyond organic production
and has proven transformational for its citizens.
It primarily focuses socioeconomic aspects such as
consumption and market expansion, cultural aspects as well as health, education, rural development
and sustainable tourism.
The organic farming policy implemented by state has phased
out chemical fertilizers and pesticides and achieved total ban on sale and use
of chemical pesticides in the state.
The transition has benefitted more than 66000 farming
families in state.
Transition to 100% organic state also has greatly benefited
its tourism sector and numbers of tourists have increased by over 50% between
2014 and 2017.
With this Sikkim has set excellent example for other Indian
states and countries worldwide for successfully upscale agroecology.
Sikkim was awarded UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s
(FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize) for its achievement in becoming the
world’s first totally organic agriculture state.